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If you want to manage a business or invest in Australia, you may be eligible for a Business Innovation and Investment Visa. Visa subclass 188 has several streams. These streams have varying requirements. Business visas require significant documentation and can be quite complex.

Do you fit within one of the categories for the Business Innovation and Investment Visa? Do you have the appropriate assets and evidence of your business history? Do you fully understand the requirements of the visa?

If you are considering applying for a business visa in Australia, talk to the migration experts at MSM Legal. Our experience in commercial and corporate law means that we can assist with your business visa and any additional documents you might need to establish your business in Australia.

If you need a business visa lawyer, Adelaide’s MSM Legal can help you, no matter where you are. Contact us today.

Image exploring the differences between the Business Innovation Visa and the various streams of the Business Investment Visa 188


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