08 8161 5088 mail@msmlegal.com.au

Migration + Wills & Estates

We develop strong relationships by understanding personal goals and motivations and advising on individual challenges.

MSM Legal is a boutique Australian law firm that provides exceptional, client focused advice on migration and estate law.

Migration & Citizenship

We are experts at delivering immigration solutions to commercial organisations and individuals.

Wills & Estates

We are experienced in Wills and Estate Planning to enable our South Australian clients ensure their assets are dealt with according to their wishes. We also assist with contested estates.

Doyle’s Guide 2021 – 2025: Catherine Follett – Leading Immigration Lawyers


Understanding Resident Return Visas

Understanding Resident Return Visas

Did you know that thousands of permanent residents in Australia require a Resident Return Visa (RRV) to re-enter and continue living in Australia as permanent residents? Whether you are a frequent traveller or have spent extended periods outside the country,...

Waves of Refugee Migration to Australia

Waves of Refugee Migration to Australia

The Australia of today is based on the cultures of the First Nations people who were here when the first wave of European migrants arrived, and since the arrival of Europeans, Australian society has introduced more and more cultural identities into the melting pot of...