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News & Insights

Travel Exemptions & Partner Visas – What’s Going On?

Last week MSM Legal’s Director, Catherine, answered some questions on ABC Radio in Adelaide about travel exemptions. Over the last few months, we have seen that there is a lot of frustration in the community about why some partner visas require their holder to obtain...

Australian Travel Exemptions: A Guide

Introduction Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there is currently a travel ban on traveling in and out of Australia unless you fall into one of two categories: you are in the category of people who do not require a travel exemption; or have an individual travel exemption....

Brain Gain!

South Australia may finally be seeing a reversal of its historically problematic ‘brain drain’ (the loss of its best and most talented to other states and even other parts of the world). South Australia’s COVID-19 response has, so far, been incredibly successful in...