by msm_admin | Sep 30, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship, News
To manage South Australia’s COVID recovery response, an additional 70 occupations are now open to applicants currently residing outside Australia. These occupations can be viewed here:...
by msm_admin | Sep 23, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship, News
Over the past month, we have seen an increase in queries about the rules relating to leaving Australia by people who are ordinarily resident overseas. Previously, if you were ordinarily resident’ of another country (other than Australia) you were not required to...
by msm_admin | Aug 3, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship, Uncategorized
COVID-19 has, devastatingly, ruined a lot of couples’ plans for getting married. This can have equally devastating results on couples’ plans to reunite in Australia. In my last article Travel Exemptions & Partner Visas – What’s Going On? (available here:...
by msm_admin | Jul 27, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship, News
On Wednesday, our clients were successful in their Federal Court appeal with the Court quashing the decision of the Administrative Appeals Tribunal which had affirmed the Department of Immigration’s refusal of their Protection visa applications (CZT16 v Minister for...
by msm_admin | Feb 26, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship, News
Introduction Due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, there is currently a travel ban on traveling in and out of Australia unless you fall into one of two categories: you are in the category of people who do not require a travel exemption; or have an individual travel exemption....
by msm_admin | Jan 27, 2021 | Migration and Citizenship
The Department of Home Affairs considers 4 main things when considering any Australian partner visa application. 1. Social aspects: Do you present yourselves as a couple? Do other people know about your relationship? 2. Household considerations: Do you live together?...